Thursday, November 25, 2010

Egypt Boils

"This guy's really weird...he's offering me a bribe to let him go!!"
(left: typical caricature of the ruling National Democratic Party government official)

Coptic demonstrators confront Security forces in Cairo's neighborhood of Giza

"Elections time will witness excessive violence, that was never seen in Egypt before."

This week, I've heard of and seen violence and anger that I've not yet seen in this country. I've also been appalled by the visible rise in corruption of the election system and its manipulation over the past week. I never really believed that a government would be so blatant about its repression or its manipulation. But hey, there's a first time for everything. Voting districts are being redrawn, voting has been cancelled in 10 of 11 districts in Alexandria, thousands of opposition supporters and candidates have been arrested, and this city is plastered with Hizb al-watany (the ruling National Democratic Party) signs supporting one of its candidates, Muhammad al-Maslihi, all over Chatby by the school (I mean, his signs line the streets and are even drilled into the street. What a symbolic gesture!). Yesterday in Giza, Cairo, there was a clash between the Coptic Christian minority and security forces over the building of a church. Thousands of Copts took to the streets for the first time to demonstrate against their discrimination and attacked a government building. Tomorrow is "National Day of Anger", declared by some independents to protest torture. Here's some light reading until I have more time to reflect on this... (watch the video to the left)

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