Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I want to apologize for my last post; it wasn't very kind, and it was a response to one email that I received. If I would have known that at 7 in the morning that day instead of thinking someone posted that to my journal, I would not have been so confrontational and would handled it differently as a more private matter. I didn't find out until later it was sent to me via email and not as a comment to the world. Still, doesn't make it any more right.

And so it goes another day at the school.

I was able to get much needed sleep last night after I came back from dinner until I woke up this morning for class. I feel like a million bucks.

I had my skit today for Egyptian Arabic class. I played the part of a dashing young foreigner who unfortunately developed new sicknesses and broken parts per my limited vocabulary: diarrhea and constipation at the same time. I broke my arm and leg. I was given large amounts of vicatin. Alhamdelelah, I was cured!

After avoiding the eight-square inch piece of rice I was given at lunch, I tried out a new shop, where I found a liter of Pepsi Max for 4 guinea (75 cents). I love prices here.

Some new teachers are here from the US who are taking classes here in the same building and use our same common room. They correct our Arabic every time we make a mistake and speak loudly in broken Arabic themselves when we're trying to study. I gave them a stink eye and then asked them to be quiet. They corrected my sentence, so I told them in Modern British English (with the Queen's Received Pronunciation) to kindly desist from speaking in such a noisy tone. And smiled.

This week should be pretty busy. Tonight I"m gong to an English language institute here in Alexandria to be a guest of my speaking partner's friend, Ahmad. He teaches the American accent. I thought it was amusing that he wanted my accent. I think I'm the only one he has come in contact with since he studying in the US.

Afterwards, my language partner wants to hang out for a while. Tomorrow, I have to get two more hours in with him, and then Thursday there's an Omar Khirat concert which I will be attending, and an Eid al-Istiqlal Party (Independence Day) because we have class on Sunday.  Next Thursday, I'll be heading to the Saini Peninsula until Sunday night. The bus ride is about 8 hours. I got car sick going to Cairo for 3 hours. I'm looking forward to the destination. Thank God I know how to say pull over I have to get sick. Very important. This poor girl was not so fortunate on the way to Cairo, and we had to make due with the baking soda-like miracles of a sand.

That's all for now. I'll let you know how my meeting at the institution goes tonight.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Matt,
    You don't need to apologize for writing what you feel Matt...if someone doesn't like it, they don't have to read it!!
    Love ya,
